In Agia Paraskevi, an unplanned plot of land with an...
In Nees Pagases (Alykes), for sale a central corner plot...
In Agios Stefanos, in a quiet neighborhood, a corner plot...
In Agios Stefanos amphitheater plot of area 587sqm with unobstructed...
In Agios Stefanos, very beautiful corner plot with extremely large...
A beautiful two-storey house of traditional architectural design, with a...
In the area of Oxygono, near the river, unfinished apartment...
In Agios Anargyros, in a quiet neighborhood, in an independent...
In Agios Vlasios inside an 856sqm plot that faces 2...
Milies central Pelion.. near the square, 2-storey old (1924) stone...
Title | Price | Status | Type | Area | Purpose | Bedrooms | Bathrooms |